I have a function like this, and even when I was testing it without using it in a function, it didn’t seem to work when I called it twice. Does anyone know of this sort of problem? Am I doing it wrong?
I think the first line simply selects the objects passed into the function so I don’t imagine it in itself is what’s causing the issues. However you might want to add a deselect all call first as I’ve had some issues with that.
def clearSelection ():
''' Clear selection '''
# Get selected models
modelList = FBModelList ()
FBGetSelectedModels (modelList, None, True)
# Deselect models
for model in modelList:
model.Selected = False
# Return status
return True
Can you tell me the flow of your entire script?
Because so far all the code you have given works for me without any error. And serves the purpose of plotting on selected objects in scene.
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