I’m having trouble setting the solver type in Motionbuilder 2014 via Python. There don’t seem to be any examples of how to do this in the documentation though I was able to figure part of the problem.
By default, MoBU 2014 sets a character to use the HIK 2014 solver. I can confirm this using below commands:
myCharacter =FBApplication().CurrentCharacter
print( myCharacter.GetExternalSolver().Name )
>>HIK 2014 Solver
I was also able to print out the 3 solver types like this:
print( FBCharacterSolver.GetRegisteredSolverNames () )
>>> [‘HIK 2013 Solver’, ‘HIK 2014 Solver’, ‘MB Character Solver’]
My problem is how to set my current characters solver to ‘MB Character Solver’. I was able to find the SetExternalSolver method but unsure what to do with it. What would be the correct syntax to do this:
myCharacter.SetExternalSolver( ‘MB Character Solver’ )
Much Thanks!