I’m planing to automate saving takes as files in different folder locations (game engine requirements) by assigning namespaces to takes.
So a take to be saved as–> //motion/walk/wlk_fast.fbx would be named in Mobu–> motion:wakl:wlk_fast
Although you are able to add/remove namespaces to takes via interface and with ProcessObjectNamespace() , the funny thing is that Mobu sees no difference between the .Name and .LongName (when it comes to Take objects), both return motion:wakl:wlk_fast.
So renaming the take with
lTake.Name = wlk_slow
will strip all the namespaces
Then again, right clicking on the take and renaming will properly rename the take and leave the namespaces alone.
Based on my experience with adding namespaces to Takes in 2015+, mobu would crash when someone else would open the file. This wouldn’t happen all the time but it happened about 70% of the time. So based on that, and what your experience with it seems to be, FBTakes simply don’t like namespaces, so I would recommend maybe adding FBNote objects to store / update each file’s information, or if you have external configs for FBX’s in your pipeline, conforming your tool to accept those configs instead. Let me know if this helps