Hey guys,
So after something like 8 months it seems like I am settled down again. Some of you might remember that I was working on a desktop mocap solution with kinect, to be able to quickly prototype animations. I had to stop the project as I was sent on a mission to the US, then went back and then moved permanently to the US office. Anyways, burocracy nightmare is over. Today I felt like taking this project back but when i opened it i felt overwhelmed. At first glance, there is a lot of code, not a single line of comments… I know… I was very motivated when working on it and I thought i could finish it real quick so everything was in my head.
So basically I have puclished the code as it is. If it’s of any use for any of you, if it inspires you, if you manage to finish it, whatever, feel free.
Just let me know if you manage to do something useful with it, I would love to know.
To be honest there isn’t much left to finish it, as far as I remember the only 2/3 things missing were: the TCP clients needed to send the physical position and rotation of the kinect camera to place all the clients information in a coomon 3D space. Should be fairly easy. And converting the rotation matrices to 3DS Max correctly. I had a lot of trouble with that, I think there was a bug in the SDK that i was using.
Here is the link: http://rubenhenares.404fs.com/tools/kinectmax/
There are some videos if you look in older posts where i show it working locally. I remember that i tried the TCP Client/Server and it was working perfectly except for what i mentioned above.
Digging in the hard drive i have also found the source code for Mobu2Max, a proof of concept to eliminate intermediary files in a pipeline and connect different software together.
It’s also posted here: http://rubenhenares.404fs.com/tools/mobu-2-max/
That’s all, if you have any questions or suggetions when looking at the code, let me know.
KinectMAx uses OpenNI 1.0.0 with the corresponding avin2/SensorKinect drivers. You should be able to find it in github. Updating the code to the latest SDK would be a good idea.
Thanks and I hope it helps!