How does the view cube maint the camera 'ViewFit' after positioning the camera to say 'top', 'bottom', etc?

With the viewCube when you click on one of its sides or even drag it, it will not attempt to change the users camera zoom level or how the object currently “fits” the view, it somehow perfect maintains the users zoom level and only changes the angle of the camera (of course, with “fit-to-view on view change” disabled).

I am working on my own script that sets the current cameras “view”, so that when I click on one key the camera moves to the “top” view, another key would move it to the bottom “view” and so on. All the commands and Maya menus I have so far taken a look at, do set the current camera to the desired view but also change the camera’s zoom level or how the object currently “fits” the view.

For the viewport view along axis (found under the view menu), does a similar function as the view cube but does not maintain the cameras zoom level. I have also experimented with the mel command viewSet but it suffers from the same issue:

viewSet -viewY -back;                         // cameras zoom level is lost
viewSet -viewY -back -fit -fitFactor 0.3;     // I was hoping this would be halfway fix but its similar to "fit all objects "
viewSet -viewY -back -fit -fitFactor 1.0      //  same as above but "fit selection"

I have tried to figure out how the view cube is programmed but I have not been able to find relevant .mel files in “programme files”, I have mass searched all .mel files and all I have managed to find is how the viewcube’s preferences section is programmed and its marking menu (right click), this is done via the viewManip command. I think the view cube is also using the viewSet command as this command has a -animate parameter that is similar to how the view cube transitions the camera.

I really need to figure this out, as the current zoom/fit issues I am dealing with are too disorienting. I would appreciate any input.


the -back flag means "the opposite of “front”, so makes no logical sense when paired with -viewY. You are basically telling it to viewSet two different views there, so no wonder it is confused. just use:

viewSet -viewY;

and the zoom should be maintained. if you want the “opposite” side of viewY, do:

viewSet -viewNegativeY;
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