Forum FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions:

[li][jump=bbcodes]BBCodes, and Custom Code Highlighting[/jump][/li][li][jump=blog]Blogging[/jump][/li][li][jump=wiki]Wiki[/jump][/li][li][jump=devbadges]Developer Badges[/jump][/li][li][jump=ranks]Staff and Ranks[/jump][/li][/ol]


TAO uses GeSHi, which allows for color coding of any type of text we build a definition file for (MEL, MXS, Python, C#, and HLSL are amongst the supported languages). To color code for a particular language, use:
[B][noparse][highlight=language name]code here

[/noparse][/B].  For example, if I post:


if sliderTime == 0f then
   global var = undefined
else for g in geometry do print (classOf g == Editable_Poly)


I will get:

if sliderTime == 0f then
   global var = undefined
else for g in geometry do print (classOf g == Editable_Poly)

Currently supported languages are (important ones in bold at the top):

[li]MEL (mel)[/li][li]MaxScript (mxs)[/li][li]Python (python)[/li][li]HLSL (hlsl)[/li][li]C#[/li][li]C++[/li][li]Apache Log[/li][li]AppleScript[/li][li]ASM[/li][li]ASP[/li][li]AutoIT[/li][li]Backus-Naur form[/li][li]Bash[/li][li]BlitzBasic[/li][li]C[/li][li]C for Macs[/li][li]CAD DCL[/li][li]CadLisp[/li][li]CFDG[/li][li]CFDG[/li][li]ColdFusion[/li][li]CSS[/li][li]Delphi[/li][li]DIV[/li][li]DOS[/li][li]Eiffel[/li][li]Fortran[/li][li]Fortran[/li][li]FreeBasic[/li][li]GML[/li][li]Groovy[/li][li]HTML[/li][li]Inno[/li][li]IO[/li][li]Java[/li][li]Java 5[/li][li]Javascript[/li][li]LaTeX[/li][li]Lisp[/li][li]Lua[/li][li]Microprocessor ASM[/li][li]mIRC[/li][li]MySQL[/li][li]NSIS[/li][li]Objective C[/li][li]OCaml[/li][li]OpenOffice BASIC[/li][li]Oracle 8 SQL[/li][li]Pascal[/li][li]Perl[/li][li]PHP[/li][li]PL/SQL[/li][li]Q(uick)BASIC[/li][li]robots.txt[/li][li]Ruby[/li][li]SAS[/li][li]Scheme[/li][li]SDLBasic[/li][li]Smalltalk[/li][li]Smarty[/li][li]SQL[/li][li]T-SQL[/li][li]TCL[/li][li]thinBasic[/li][li]Uno IDL[/li][li]VB.NET[/li][li]Visual BASIC[/li][li]Visual Fox Pro[/li][li]Winbatch[/li][li]X++[/li][li]XML[/li][li]Z80 ASM[/li][/ol]

Updates are ongoing for the MEL and MXS definition files. You can download them for person use here (right click and ‘save target as’): MEL and MXS

Here is a complete list of all BBCodes used at TAO.
[legend]BBCodes, and Custom Code Highlighting[/legend][/fieldset]

[fieldset]Any member can be set up to be able to post on the blog. The forum should set up your Blog permissions based on your usergroup, if it doesn’t, just PM an Administrator. Any member in a [jump=devbadges]Developer Usergroup[/jump] should be able to create new blog posts.

[fieldset]The Wiki is one of the main areas of TAO. A link is located on the top navigation bar. Please contribute to the Wiki as much as possible, which includes documenting any comprehensive answers you may get or receive on the forums.

You can link directly from the forum to a TAO Wiki article with the [noparse][w][/w][/noparse] tag, which is also available via the “WIKI” button on the Editor (both the Text and WYSIWYG versions). For example, [w]Main Page[/w] will link to the main page, etc. Anyone is free to write Wiki articles, a list of the most requested articles will be kept on the main page. There is a forum for Wiki discussion located here.

View the Wiki FAQ at [w]TAO:Wiki_FAQ[/w].


[fieldset]To get a company badge, you must request to join a usergroup. You can do this from your User Control Panel -> Networking -> Group Memberships.

If your company is listed, request to join it, and the group leader or an admin will add you.

If your company is not listed and you’d like a badge under your username for the company you work for, please send a PM to me with your company name and an image. One of the admins will set up a usergroup which you can then request to join.

This is only open for professional developers (sorry hobbyists).
[legend]Developer Badges[/legend][/fieldset]

[fieldset]Ranks based on post count are as follows:
undefined - 0
variable - 15
integer - 30
float - 50
string - 80
if clause - 110
while loop - 150
for loop - 200
method - 250
struct - 300
class - 400
plugin - 500
program - 600

Staff ranks are as follows:
(See all staff ranks and members)

Content Staff: Content Staff are those members who have taken some responsibility of keeping the Blog and Wiki tidy, updated, and fact-checking some information. Content Editors are Content Staff members, but their role is mostly related to the Wiki (see: [w]TAO:FAQ[/w]).

Moderator and Super Moderator: Moderate the forum, and Super Mods have some admin rights to help the Admins out.

Administrator: Administrate the forum. Bjorn Waumans is our technical administrator.

Joining Staff: If you’d like to become a moderator or content staff member, please PM an Administrator.
[legend]Developer Badges[/legend][/fieldset]

Nice! This will be a great feature for the site. Are you using GeShi for the highlighting?

Yes, it turned out that Geshi was the most userfriendly to integrate.

Alright, [w]TAO:Wiki_FAQ[/w] is started.

I appreciate you posting and sharing the highlighter files for personal use.
unfortunately i’m having trouble downloading the mel.php and mxs.php files.

the file size is 0kb once downloaded with my browsers (right-clicking / save target as…)
i can see the files, and the size of each, listed in the directory
but the browsers are zapping it. :curses:

would you possibly zip the directory? or guide me toward another solution?

Many thanks :D:

Thanks, I uploaded them here instead:

Thanks Rob.
But if it’s a .php extension, it downloads as a blank (0bytes) file.
I’m not very experienced with php, but I think it’s because there are no headers in the files, so the server treats like secure backend stuff. :?:

if you have a moment to zip them, this should alleviate those 0kb woes.

Thanks for your time…
It’s much appreciated :):

I will do it as soon as I get back to Austin.

That’ll work.

--Very cool, I like it!

Thanks for taking the time to add this functionality! Handy stuff. :):