Hi @Moodie,
I had a look at your link, and presentation-wise I think it’s looking really well. There’s positivity and humility in your post above, straightforward design and content on your website, includes a photo for a personal touch and large and to-the-point video, hosted on Vimeo. Those tick all the boxes so far I think for anyone looking to hire anyone.
Portfolio wise, for an apprenticeship position, I think it is also very strong. There are some not-so-last-minute-changes I might critique - such as that auto rigger not appearing to provide any customisation, but rather a chopped up script with buttons (that must be pressed in a specific order?) for each function - but overall the pacing is good, the descriptions are clear.
It’s a good demonstration of your interests and what you’re capable of, which is what a portfolio is all about, and doing one for code is always a little more challenging than one for inherently visual content, like animation.
If there was one thing you could potentially address before sending it off, it would be the matrix constraint. I get what it does, but I didn’t get why it does it. What’s wrong with native constraints? What problem(s) is it solving? If you could either include the problem as text, or better yet demonstrate it, I think it’d strengthen the portfolio further.
Oh and here’s a hint; for the “built in sine wave” of your ribbon deformer, have a look at replacing that with the cmds.createNode("membrane")
deformer instead; it’s similar, but a little more “how did it do that??” for those that aren’t familiar with this (undocumented, but awesome) node.
Finally, before I forget, I expected sound in the video. What sound won’t matter and Disney is unlikely to listen to it, but not having any distracts from what you are presenting. I honestly couldn’t remember the first few seconds of the video as I was trying to adjust my speaker settings to find the right volume.
Hope it helps!