Checking to see if posting is working.
Indeed you can post!
And you should definitely try out the schweet markdown style code blocks
if forum == '':
With syntax highlighting!
class CodeHighlighting(object):
def __init__(self):
print('Turns out this works!')
In case anyone is wondering, just do this:
class CodeHighlighting(object):
def __init__(self):
print('Turns out this works!')
Aaaand here’s a list of supported languages from the highlighting library:
1 Like
Okay this might be the most absurd thing ever.
It has mel syntax highlighting built in.
proc string[] getSelectedLights()
string $selectedLights[];
string $select[] = `ls -sl -dag -leaf`;
for ( $shape in $select )
// Determine if this is a light.
string $class[] = getClassification( `nodeType $shape` );
if ( ( `size $class` ) > 0 && ( "light" == $class[0] ) )
$selectedLights[ `size $selectedLights` ] = $shape;
// Result is an array of all lights included in
// current selection list.
return $selectedLights;
WAT? Maybe it just thinks it’s Javascript.
Might be, the highlighting they’ve got on the demo page is a bit more full featured than what we see here. So discourse might be running a smaller subset.