Added Drive tool for public (10 free sessions)
Added sphereboy sample model with poses for testing
Check download page:
The price of BonyFace 3.1 in June was greatly decreased - $150 now ($500 before)
All tools are now available at once (payments for separate extended tool was removed)
Adjust splines tool was moved into Basic tools
10 free sessions of all extended tools in BonyFace 3.2 will be available for free for everybody after release
BonyFace 3.2 in development
New in Basic tools
- 3ds max 2014 support
- Automatic updating to any new version via internet
- Automatic checking model to meet requirements
- Remove freezes during rig and skin phases
- Automatic pick up optional objects (eyes, teeth, etc.)
New in Extended tools
- Named buttons to select custom groups of controls in Selector tool
- Using Del button to delete poses or layers in Drive tool
- An ability to auto-create animation keys in Grimace Mode
Authorized users will update to version 3.2 for free as always
p.s. link to maxunderground