Blender new Renderer Cycles - GPL licensed Open shading language based also GPU accel

Hi all,

Blender has a new rendering engine called cycles

Here is information on its architecture, todo list, papers of interest, etc.

branch is here

svn checkout bf-blender - Revision 63701: /branches/cycles

right now the code is very raw and difficult to build, that will change in the following weeks as we place the necessary precompiled librarys in our libs folders for the assorted platforms we support and set up the build systems for simpler compiling. (The current code was released so that it could be built for FMX conference in Germany).

I hope some of you might find this of interest to contribute to.

Feel free to add other papers that might be of interest, etc.

You can give feedback here or on the bf-committers mailing list. I’ll pass any comments along to Brecht (the renderer designer and implementer).

Hmm looks like the code in head is GPLed will see what is up with that (I hadn’t checked -dumb me - but Brecht had said he was planning to BSD it…).

Ok looks like for now his mind has been changed to use GPL but may switch to BSD at some later point. Sorry for the previous disinformation, I hadn’t been told and hadn’t noticed - and the change was within a 24 hour period :slight_smile:

Awesomeness, Blender has come so far.

[QUOTE=mattanimation;10306]Awesomeness, Blender has come so far.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I really dig the new UI. If you gave Blender a try in the past but were turned off by the “unique” UI and control scheme, you really ought to check out v2.5. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. :):

Awesome :slight_smile: it reminds me of the luxrender engine.

Hmm can someone change title? I edited it but it remains the same- apparently a last minute decision/mind change was to use GPL instead of BSD, so my original title is wrong now.

I think users can only change the post title (and the first post title is the same as the thread title). So you changed the first post’s title, but the thread title remained the same. I changed it.

Thanks Rob.