Hi guys,
Here is my problem :
I’m developing a standalone save system using python + qt which saves the current document and archive a copy of it. It works well for Maya, Nuke, Photoshop and Illustrator. But Flash and AfterFx are giving me hard time !
Maya, Nuke were quite easy using a python socket which runs in background listen orders from my save system.
Photoshop and Illustrator are coming with a nice COM interface, so its a piece of cake using win32com.client.
But AfterFX :scared:
I tried using ExtendScript (javascript version of Adobe) socket, but it doesn’t provide threading possibilites so i can’t have a background behavior…
I spend some time looking for an hypothetical COM interface but came back empty handed. And no way to find a list of CS Software coming with a COM interface and those who don’t.
Why Photoshop has one and not AE ? Flash I can understand, they bought it few years ago, but PS & AE have been developed by Adobe for at least 15 years.
Anyway I have to find a workaround :laugh:
I didn’t dug much on Flash.
What are my other options ?
C++ plugin or Vbscript ?
Thx for your insights
(sorry for my english !)