Xsi gui technology

I’m doing some investigation into the nuts and bolts of various 3D apps and am hoping people here can help me out. What I’d like to find out is what GUI toolkit was used in XSI and Houdini? Do they both allow user defined custom windows? I recently came across XSI’s new ICE and again was wondering if they used an existing toolkit or was that custom written.


You mean the ICE schematic?
I’m pretty sure they wrote that at Softimage.

It isn’t very hard.
Here’s a similar one for max I did:

I’m not too sure about the rest of the UI though.

The ICE interface was written at Softimage. They co-opted the Render Tree.

you can use standalone gui toolkits in xsi if thats interesting to you. i don’t have the link on hand at the moment, but i imagine if you google wxpython and xsi you’ll find the tricks involved in making it happen.
