I’m submitting my portfolio around (www.tylergood.net/portfolio), and one of my friends just informed me that the tool I just posted doesn’t work in maya 2011 (I’ve been developing in 2012). Is this something I should address for portfolio issues, or if I can demonstrate it running on a system that is to spec with the one on which I wrote it am I fine?
Which tool is it? Maybe someone here with 2011 can help you debug it.
If it’s a MEL script I would spend the time to fix it.
If you’re writing a plug-in that needs to be compiled, then just put Requires Maya 2012 next to the download link.
At least write in the comments which version of Maya you know each script works on.
I usually don’t test the scripts when looking at a portfolio, I look at the code. Especially if there are videos of the code in action like you have.
Knowing what prevents the script from being backwards compatible could be a good thing though, as most studios don’t work with the latest versions of any software. So proving you can get things done without new features could be a good thing. But that is probably more when you get to the interviews.