What do you use for Particle Effects?

Has anyone had a really good experience using a 3rd party Particle Effects middleware? As far as I can tell, everyone seems to roll their own to meet their specific needs. I’d love to hear what people use and whether anyone has had success with a middleware solution like Fork Particle or Promethean FX.

In house tool, works well.

Could support more things though, like recently we wanted to emit specific geometry instead of facing quads or oriented quads, but had no time to implement it.

Also curious about middleware.

The Fork guys have been awesome, they’ve got:

[li]good console support
[/li][li]quick support turnaround
[/li][li]great for integrating user feedback

When my project ditched our old inhouse particle system theirs saved us a new hire and probably 6 months.


We use an in house tool – but I’ve tried the ForkFX demo and it looked good and the UI was easy to work with.

You can email them to get a fully functional copy to test out.

Same here - I’ve used a couple different internal tools. In my experience engineering would never have enough time to integrate and hook up a 3rd party VFX solution when one that is “good enough” is already running in-game.

I’ve used in-house tools and currently use Nintendoware (which is a joy to use in comparison).
I would also be interested in 3rd party tools…

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