Weekly G+ hackathon hangout?

Sounds great! Should be able to make it (hopefully).

Awesome, I should be able to make the 7-9pm PST one.

First European hangout, Done! Nice talking to you guys. We had some people joining us that seemed pretty random from Google plus but it was fun. I’ll see ya next week.

Yeah is was a little random, but hey! it was fun.

PST Hangout will start at 7pm tonight, hope to catch you there.

PST Hangout done for the week, were these times good for people? I was thinking of moving the PST meeting to 8-10pm?

What do you think?

How did it go? I hope I can make the PST one this week, for some reason my phone’s alert didn’t go off.

It was good we talked about a few projects. (city builder and pyp) Not many people showed up though.


can’t remember the link to the city builder.

Yeah it was a small turn out, hopefully the time is good for everyone.

Here is a city engine link:
City Engine - Procedural 3D City Generator | 3D City Design for Urban Environments

Thanks for putting these together, I’ve been genuinely enjoying them! Hope to participate on the GMT one more regularly/fully in the future.

I always forgot about them. I am ashamed

I think i’ll finally be able to make this one tonight. Hope to see a few of you on there

Catch you in there!

Is anyone else on? I tried making a room, but I don’t think it was public.

do a search for Tech-Artist.Org on G+ and you should find it. :slight_smile:

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