Weekly G+ hackathon hangout?

Shawn Kirsch started a “Hangout” today on google+, and said he was ‘just working on some python.’ DUH! Why didn’t we think of this earlier!

Anyone down for a weekly hackathon? We all join a G+ hangout, and just hack on python or .NET or whatever code for an evening. Would be a useful way to see what people are up to, get coding help, whatever comes up.

Who’s down, and what day/time works best? (Please include your time zone, obviously). Hopefully after we have a couple and have a solid group, it’ll be more likely to have spontaneous hackathons (I imagine a solid date/time would make it easier for new people to find out about it).

Anytime after…8:30 PST is good for me.

Can I sit and listen? :smiley: Isnt there a max of people who can join the hangout?

Yeah, 10 person Max… we could definitely just get groups of hangouts, though.

[QUOTE=Nysuatro;11365]Can I sit and listen? :smiley: Isnt there a max of people who can join the hangout?[/QUOTE]

Haha I was going to do this. Though this might get me in gear to do some work :stuck_out_tongue:

Very cool idea! Let’s do it!

[QUOTE=djTomServo;11364]Anytime after…8:30 PST is good for me.[/QUOTE]


I’d be down, although if it fills up I volunteer for listener if that’s possible

[QUOTE=djTomServo;11364]Anytime after…8:30 PST is good for me.[/QUOTE]

8:30 sounds good.

sorry for digging up this post but is this something that still happens - if not, something we could perhaps start up again?
I was thinking perhaps you could also do this to open up the forum to bigger audiences by having a hangout ever 2-3 weeks with a certain theme that we talk about, record it and put it up on youtube or similar site.

any takers?

Sounds like a brilliant idea! I am in. The main problem will be the time differences …

I’d be down for something like this, I’m in EST.

Hi guys, I’ve added a poll so we can work out the best time to hold a G+ Hackathon:

Weekly G+ Hackathon Hangout Survey

I’m going to look into survey plugins for the forums so we can do some custom logic, so if you’re not a savant then this might help:

Thanks rob for setting this up!

brilliant idea man … let me knw the time

lets get this rolling

I was just in the process of getting the calendar working again on the site so we can schedule them in.

The Results from Survey Money + Forum Posts:

When (Day):
Weekday: 22%
WeekEnd: 11%
Either…: 67%

When (Time in GMT):
3am-5am GMT: 50%
7pm-9pm GMT: 30%
Other Times…: 20%

So the best fit are two weekday sessions (GMT and PST), items in underlined bold are highest attendance sessions in a given timezone:

[TABLE=“class: grid, width: 500, align: left”]

GMT Hangout

PST Hangout










Well I hope that worked for the majority…if not we can wiggle it a bit.

Lets book an evening in… Monday nights, 7-9pm?

If that is cool, we will start next week, If you do make a hangout please calling it “Tech-Artists.Org” so that everyone can find it.


sounds good! So you mean that BOTH the american and european hangout will occur at 7pm-9pm on mondays?

Yeah +/- your location from GMT and PST, that’s the way it turned out… must be a good time of the night…