Shawn Kirsch started a “Hangout” today on google+, and said he was ‘just working on some python.’ DUH! Why didn’t we think of this earlier!
Anyone down for a weekly hackathon? We all join a G+ hangout, and just hack on python or .NET or whatever code for an evening. Would be a useful way to see what people are up to, get coding help, whatever comes up.
Who’s down, and what day/time works best? (Please include your time zone, obviously). Hopefully after we have a couple and have a solid group, it’ll be more likely to have spontaneous hackathons (I imagine a solid date/time would make it easier for new people to find out about it).
sorry for digging up this post but is this something that still happens - if not, something we could perhaps start up again?
I was thinking perhaps you could also do this to open up the forum to bigger audiences by having a hangout ever 2-3 weeks with a certain theme that we talk about, record it and put it up on youtube or similar site.