Web admin tasks

Since there were a handful of people who expressed some interest in helping me web-admin, here are the tasks that need doing. If you have an interest, and I trust you (I should have no reason not to), I’ll give you the necessary information, you complete the task, and you can go back on with your life- hopefully this will work better than relying on a full-time web admin. So here’s what needs doing:

[li]Upgrade our VB version
[/li][li]Make sure we have a backup strategy and make sure it is being used.
[/li][li]Look at what’d be necessary to make this forum natively-mobile (does VB offer a plugin/product?)
[/li][li]Advise on ways to integrate with social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin group).
[/li][li]Give me some advice on how I can integrate a personal project for aggregating info into the forums.

Feel free to comment on any of these if you have comments, if please contact me if you can actually help!