while working with maya command module I made a module that has some basic GUI skeleton setup so for every new project i do not have to start from scratch and I can start by inheriting from it, similarly I want to make one for PyQt4
but before I proceed further what I have learnt that Maya Window itself is a QMainWindow , and all other windows inside it are QWidget, so although we can create a QWidget and put toolbars or statusbars or menubars etc as well just like in QMainWindow, so for making a application that runs as maya docked GUI should I setup the base template with class that can inherit from QMainWindow or QWidget ?
the example given in Maya Python book chap 8 uses QMainWindow although
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui
import SIP
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui
def getMayaMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
return sip.wrapinstance(long(accessMainWindow),QtCore.QObject)
class Window([B]QtGui.QMainWindow[/B]):
def __init__(self,parent=getMayaMainWindow(),
def setWindow(self):
#add PyQt window congtrols here in inherited class