VIEW Conference 2014 - Dates, topics and deadlines


We are proud to announce that the 15th edition will be from 14th to 17th October 2014.

VIEW Conference 2014 will be focusing on the topic of food and sports in movies and games. But also television productions in 2D and 3D, the role of animation in education and media production for children and young adults.

Games, 2D/3D cinema & VFX, augmented reality, digital media, interactive techniques, medical imaging, automotive and architecture design, simulating and synthesizing reality, robots and robotics, reality capture, creative storytelling and mobile CG will be, as for the past years, the core topics of VIEW Conference.

Please send us your submission for papers, workshops and short movie for VIEW Awards 2014!

Papers and workshops submission deadline: July 31th, 2014
Short film submission deadline: August 31th, 2014

VIEW Conference

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