Overall this looks pretty slick. I’m a huge fan of asset browsers and avoiding having to touch Windows Explorer whenever possible.
There’s a relatively undocumented UX theory someone way smarter than me made up, but I can’t find the source for so I’ll explain it here briefly.
With many tools, there’s usually two modes of user interaction: play & hunt.
Play is categorized by an experience of loose constraints, explorative behavior, and an open problem scope. The user doesn’t know exactly what they are trying to accomplish but wants to see a lot of options and explore a lot of possible outcomes.
Hunt is essentially the opposite, where a user knows exactly what they’re trying to accomplish and wants to do it as quickly and effectively as possible.
There’s certainly a spectrum of experiences that falls between these two categories, but in my experience these two ideas cover most ground in the sorts of tools and software we develop as TA’s.
In the case of your asset browser, you seem to have pretty well nailed the “hunt” aspect of its use, but seem to be missing some more “playful” features. What if the artist doesn’t know exactly the asset they’re looking for or forgot the name of it? Adding partial matching search functionality can be a huge win. In addition, it might be helpful to show more than one asset at a time. Try displaying entire folders of assets and letting users hone in from there. The interaction as of present feels very “tunnel-visiony” and the user needs to know where they’re going at all points in time and it’s easy to get lost. It’s difficult to get a broader scope of the project at hand.
To improve on your existing hunting features, think about eliminating unnecessary steps to achieve the end goal. You’ve got these 3 dropdown menus, “Category” , “Type”, and “Asset” which don’t seem to represent anything meaningful other than that you’re exposing the underlying structure of how the assets are being stored. In order for a user to find an asset within the project, they already need to know the category, type, and asset values to find it. Assuming the artist has that level of knowledge, how could you streamline the process further? Maybe you could add a direct string match where the artist could copy paste or type in the asset name and have the browser navigate directly to it. Focus on how the artists care about seeing the assets presented and don’t expose your underlying folder structure and other “black magic” (read: implementation details) to the user unless it conveniently also happens to provide the optimal experience.
If the category, type, etc. values do have a greater meaning other than establishing folder structure, (i.e. they effect how the asset is exported, imported into the engine, etc.) then you might be better off having some sort of composed tag system. This essentially comes down to “composition vs inheritance” of asset meta data. The current system seems to be built entirely through inheritance which is difficult to change to keep up with project demands. Since you already have a great grasp on storing meta data with assets, why not move those characteristics into meta data and design an open-ended asset tag system where artists can simply apply attributes from a “bank” of existing ones. This bank could easily be updated, redefined, or re-purposed as the game development cycle ages.
Anyways, just some thoughts on where you could take it from here! The presentation view is real nice with the large thumbnail and detail pane on the left. Keep up the good stuff!