Video Game FX Lead Needed

Our small indie team of guys and girls is looking for an FX Artist. We have been working on the game for about a year now. That year has been spent mostly making assets.

About the Project:

  • First and foremost, there’s no money to be had. Sucks, I know. It’s the team’s first project, and what little funding we have is going toward the engine licensing. We are going to ship on XBLA and PC. We’re shooting for Summer of 2012. So you’ll have a shipped title for your resume.

  • We have a project lead (also the script writer), programmers, a concept artist, environment artists, riggers/animators, and two character artists (lead being me). So everyone is able to focus on what their strength is.

  • All concept art is complete, a ton of 3D assets are complete. We’re very organized. We have an online fileshare, documentation, and a complete script.

  • We’ve worked over the last year to get a deal with Microsoft to get approved to release on XBLA (not XBLIG) and to get a XBox 360 devkit. We now have both, which is huge because our programmers can now start writing code for the 360 version of the game, which they are currently doing.

  • We are currently in pre-alpha, working on a vertical slice of the first level.

  • We have weekly meetings on Ventrilo to touch base, and we also communicate via email frequently.

Video Game FX Lead:

You’ll be in charge of all visual effects for items, special moves, misc. Expertise with lighting and atmosphere for environments is a plus.

Software Requirements:

  • 3ds max
  • Photoshop
  • Our game engine’s particle engine (we’ll provide obviously)

Skill set requirements:

  • Ability to create visual FX (smoke, fire, various blasts, etc).
  • Combining regular animations with visibility tracks accented with engine particles to create the needed effects. We do not use the 3ds Max particle system at all.

Required Soft Skills for ALL Positions:

  • Check your ego at the door
  • Be open to constructive criticism
  • Understand that working on a team means being constructively vocal and making suggestions, not just working in a bubble and keeping to yourself.
  • Be reliable. That means meeting deadlines, replying to emails in a timely fashion, and joining us during scheduled Ventrilo meetings. We understand that you probably have a day job and other responsibilities, but we do ask that you take the project seriously.

***If you’re interested in learning more and seeing some concept art, please shoot a brief email with a link to your portfolio to our project lead: