Variable as flag name inside maya command

Hi… I’m after some input about the correct way to do the following…

the code below works as is:

import maya.cmds as cmds

parameters = [ 
	'userAppDir', 'userBitmapsDir', 'userMarkingMenuDir', 
	'userPrefDir', 'userPresetsDir', 'userScriptDir', 
	'userShelfDir', 'userTmpDir', 'userWorkspaceDir' ]

userPaths = {}

for parameter in parameters:

        ## parameter variable won't work as a 'flag' name
	# userPaths[parameter] = cmds.internalVar(parameter = True)

        # works as a exec
	exec "userPaths[\"" + parameter + "\"] = cmds.internalVar(" + parameter + " = True)" 

for item in userPaths:
	print userPaths[item]

I don’t know the correct way of passing a variable to become a ‘flag’ name as far as syntax goes so I opted to use the exec statement instead…

comments welcome!


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Use ** to pass a dictionary as keyword arguments. (use *, for positional arguments as well)

import maya.cmds as cmds

parameters = [ 
	'userAppDir', 'userBitmapsDir', 'userMarkingMenuDir', 
	'userPrefDir', 'userPresetsDir', 'userScriptDir', 
	'userShelfDir', 'userTmpDir', 'userWorkspaceDir' ]

userPaths = {}

for parameter in parameters:
	userPaths[paramater] = cmds.internalVar(**{paramater:True})

for item in userPaths:
	print userPaths[item]


Thanks for the tip bro!



edit: ended up going with the following for those who are interested…

import maya.cmds as cmds

parameters = [ 
	'userAppDir', 'userBitmapsDir', 'userMarkingMenuDir', 
	'userPrefDir', 'userPresetsDir', 'userScriptDir', 
	'userShelfDir', 'userTmpDir', 'userWorkspaceDir' ]

for parameter in parameters:
	print ('%-20s %s
' % (parameter, cmds.internalVar(**{parameter:True})))