I’m using unity webPlayer for create a tool witch interacts with maya (using TcpClient sockets). I’m loading the webPlayer in a PyQT MainWindow in maya (I’m loading the html file with QWebView.load( my url ) int this window which is parented to maya) .
My problem is that when I close the window with Mywindow.close(), it seems that unity is still running in background somewhere and so I just can’t quit maya correctly (the maya process is still running after I click on close) …
I’ve checked many things but it seems that it’s the fact to load the unityPlayer Plugin wich is the cause of the trouble…
Do somebody have any idea of where the problem could be ?
it seems that it’s the fact of loading the unity content with unityObject.embedUnity() in javascript which causes the trouble… But I stil have not find any solution to load the content without having a problem when I quit maya…
My suggestion would be to try loading some other page such as an empty html page that is stored on the local drive before destroying the window. This will hopefully force all the Unity stuff to unload before you destroy the window.
thanks for answering btribble =)
I’ve tried to load an empty page but it doesn’t change anything =/.
The QApplication is destroyed and it’s content is removed before the window close…
I don’t know if the QPlugin survive in background somewhere or if it’s that it loads something which makes maya bug…
Can you manually unload the web player? If so, you can register some callback to do the unloading.