Hello i have my script almost working now. except the very last part where i set the points on my mesh.
Basically i have a script in python API which gets the points from 3 different shaped sphere meshes, finds the difference between meshes 2 and 3, adds the difference to the points of mesh 1, and finally sets mesh 1 to this new shape
I have tried to track the result of things at each step throughout the script and it seems the result of the difference added to the original mesh values are fine. But then when i use setPoints(), my mesh explodes!
i dont know why because the set points works fine when i simply copy one set of verts straight onto a mesh, but when i add together points and then setPoints i think i have created a problem
I have in included the code, im sorry its a bit long, but i think pretty straightforward, if anyone can help my make this work then you would really be helping me out.
thanks alot,
import maya.OpenMaya as om
def getPoints(geo):
sel = om.MSelectionList()
dag = om.MDagPath()
mesh = om.MFnMesh(dag)
mesh.getPoints(vts, om.MSpace.kObject)
return mesh,vts
def findDiff(scan1_verts, scan2_verts):
for i in xrange(scan1_verts.length()):
p1 = scan1_verts[i]
p2 = scan2_verts[i]
return diff_list
def addDiff(diff_list, target_mesh_verts):
for i in xrange(target_mesh_verts.length()):
p1 = target_mesh_verts[i]
p2 = diff_list[i]
return final_list
def setPoints(geo, finalPos):
geo.setPoints(finalPos, om.MSpace.kObject)
#store the vert positions for each mesh
mFnMeshTarget, target_mesh_verts = getPoints("target")
mFnMesh, scan1_verts = getPoints("neutral")
mFnMesh2, scan2_verts = getPoints("expression")
#find the difference between the verts from the expression scan and neutral scan
diffList = findDiff(scan1_verts,scan2_verts)
finalPos = addDiff(diffList, target_mesh_verts)
#set the mesh difference to the target mesh
hard to know without seeing before and after conditions. It looks like you’re expecting the two meshes to have the same vert ordering? Is that true?
Other possibilities
Are you sure you know what units you are using? The points are just tuples of numbers … but internally Maya always uses centimeters. You need to use MDistance.internalToUI() or MDistance.UiToInternal() to go back and forth between the visible units and the the internal ones.
Same thing for spaces: You’ll need to use the (space = MSpace.KWorld) argument to get all of the units in consistent spacing both for getting and setting
yea, imagine you just take a sphere and duplicate it 3 times (so identical topology), position them in a line and deform them a bit. so when i transfer the vertex positions i want them to be applied in local space to the sphere 1, not world space. kind of like setting up a blend shape head.
i didnt know i had to be that specific about the units, though at the moment i just want the sphere to not explode in a thousand different directions, so i will deal with scale later
i thought using MSpace.kObject would be the correct argument for what i need?
im not using UpdateSurface(), is this needed?, it seems to be changing the spheres points when i call setPoints, so is this necessary?
this is just a script run from script editor. I just needed api because my meshes will eventually be very big. This is the only thing that i will need to use API for though, so i thought it was worth getting it working.
People helping me from a previous problem said to switch everything to API2 because its better for this. But i barely understand what im doing with normal api…
im not even sure if the ‘findDiff’ is returning an array in the first place. When i print the result of ‘findDiff’ it just prints one set of coordinates: