Recently there have been a handful of users with off-topic and spam-like links in their signatures, who are making posts unique and on-topic enough that I can’t really tell if they are spammers or not.
So there’s a dilemma that if these people are spammers, I remove what is, coincidentally or not, useful information. If they’re not spammers, banning them as I would a normal spammer would upset them.
So from here forward, if you are a suspicious user (recent signup, spurt of posts on topics more than a few weeks old), and you have any off-topic links in your signature, I’m replacing your signature until you verify your identify with me to ensure you’re not a spammer, and explain why you have those links.
Once I get this figured out I’ll relax or remove the restriction- I just want to make sure the boards don’t have the appearance of tolerating spam and bot adverts.