Unreal 3 C++ Bridge


I am no scripter, however I hope this fits guidelines. My current programmers are about to work on a bridge with Unreal 3 Script. I’m not even quite sure if this question fits the domain but any links to resources like this etc would be great.
I will have them get on here and specify if need be, they would like a tool that bridges C++ Unreal Script to improve the capablities. IF its too much to ask just delete this.



Hi Justin

It would be good to know a little more about what you’re trying to do. What kind of functionality are you looking to add or improve?

Actually, benoit just did it. Thanks though, I sent you a email detailing what we’re doing. He wasgetting it to run out of C++ instead of it simplified in Unreal Script though he knows both he is comfotable with C++.