How can I get a nice report of the file size of in game textures via unity C#?
not the assets PNG we feed unity but the DXT / Pvrt etc textures
Do you need more info than what shows up in the editor log after building? where it breaks down the built filesize by item
For a simple idea of how big a texture in a various format is, you can do this in the editor:
Set the texture type to advanced, this allows you to set what compression to use.
Set the texture compression type and max size to what you want.
In the image preview pane below, you will see some basic info on the image, including its compressed file size.
The editor can also show you memory usages in the advanced mode of the profiler.
If you want to get the size of a texture from a device, like PVRTC from an IOS device, you might be best off capturing a frame with XCode and then digging through the bound objects list until you see your texture (this is actually really handy for seeing what textures/buffers unity is creating behind the scenes too for further optimization).
If you want to get a report on the texture size using C# from the editor or device, you can use Texture.GetNativeTexturePtr to get a pointer to the compressed texture in memory and then go from there.
Or, if you know the target texture format bits:
texWidth * texHeight * bitsPerPixel
My need was to get an idea of our memory impact before we run a build.
Mitigated as gilesruscoe rightly points out by the fact that DXT /Pvrt textures at a given pixel dimension actually have a fixed file size
unlike say the PNGs we feed into the build.
Now if only I could do that with animation data…
Unity displays the compressed animation size for a selected clip in the inspector tab.
never noticed that before…