
Hi all, I apologize that this is not a coding question but still related though…

I read or heard somewhere about this unit-testing in maya and would like to ask if anyone have any examples that can show me (the simpler the better?)

Also how about any guides/ videos etc to read more about it?

Here. I’ve just typed “Unit testing in Maya” in google

This is a strictly coding question.

If you are interested in test-driven-development with content creation, you should check out; http://pyblish.com/

[QUOTE=tokejepsen;30415]If you are interested in test-driven-development with content creation, you should check out; http://pyblish.com/[/QUOTE]

Whoa! Thanks for that :slight_smile:

Another nice testing framework to look at is Behave. It uses BDD/gherkin and whilst it has a larger overhead (both in terms of initial code and dependencies) it results in quite nice test syntax where the test features are self documenting.


I had a lot of success using that within PyCharm and Maya and very quickly realised how easy heavy refactoring is when your code is backed up with tests (regardless of framework).