Unique hand painting

heres a shot of my new map engine I got up and running in about 3 days, it includes fully unique texels for displacement maps and colour textures! so far ive put about 3 hours modelling and painting into it (im taking a small break atm) I think the results are pleasing, but im not sure if professionals would be interested because it takes AGES to make a small area, like the small unfinished area shown is 3 hours work… I plan on finishing this small section and ill make a movie and post it here when im done.

I used d3d11, its tesselation ability, hardware based texel editing (gpu driven tools - nice and quick) And yes, this is tech artist stuff, I code my own art program and use it myself. :slight_smile:

heres a single “wall”, ill be grabbing this and repeat plotting it to help editing speed… much more professional…

This is interesting, probably mostly as a learning exercise- I’d love to hear what you think the practical applications of this technique could be.

Rob - Its a similar technology to what Id has done with rage, their new flagship product/engine, actually making a backyard editor yourself is challenging, Ive just quadrupled the resolution and now streaming is going to be paramount to add, or itll take minutes even to launch the application (load all those damn texels).

I updated the resolution, which means going backwards in development and recoding a lot of things… the level is taking a minute to load now tho : P… ok, now im onto plotting premade displacement maps! BACK TO WORK!

Im hoping to finish this one, it could be an original game engine people could even pay for, and make me successful… but lots of work yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

These pics are really unique .
Thanks for sharing.