Uni Attribute Tool


Animators has ability to key all transformation but not visibility and an independent ability to key only translate / rotate / scale or tx / ty /tz / rx / ry / rz / sx / sy / sz And they can also break connection using a by clicking break connection button

Riggers has ability to || lock and hide ; unlock and show all || transformation
and also visibility / translate / rotate / scale or tx / ty /tz / rx / ry / rz / sx / sy / sz

To load script ::
Paste the script to folder Documents -> Maya -> scripts

to run script first you need to set project so go to file -> set project and nevigate to Documents -> Maya and click set

now copy n paste name of script or type name of script to the command line and add ; at the end of script and press enter

to save script to shelf type a name of script to command line and add ; at the eand of script and select the name, now grag and drop it to shelf

to know in detail how to load a script follow the below link ::

Tutorial how to load scripts in maya

a few suggestions to make it a little better:
>Try recording the video at a higher resolution if possible. Or zoom into the tool since you only really need to show the tool and the channel box.

>Your buttons are really wide. Almost unnecesarily so. You could combine the lock and unlock tabs into one tab and half the button width. it would not only make the tool faster to use, but also save valuable screen space.

>I’d deffinitely not keep that ‘break connections’ button. Maybe a delete key button for that frame, but what if any of the transforms have a incoming node or expresson and you break that.

>You could even remove the buttons for key all translate/rotate scale because the hotkeys are already there(Shift+w, shift+r, shift + e). You could also shrink down the buttons for the individual channels because if I’m an animator, I don’t want a giant UI to interfere with my work when a smaller one can do just as fine.

You are right and thanks for feedback
and as per video resolution i am new to mac os so dont know setting for my video recorder.
as you said about buttons and GUI i would try make an good GUI and buttons animator friendly.
as per i am new to scripts and mel this is my 2nd script
i would try to make a tool looks good and easy to use
an as soon as i do that i would replace it from this one

i m thinking to make check box for animator so its easy for him
and i would follow you as per Lock Unlock Tab

[QUOTE=dgovil;13592]a few suggestions to make it a little better:
>Try recording the video at a higher resolution if possible. Or zoom into the tool since you only really need to show the tool and the channel box.

>Your buttons are really wide. Almost unnecesarily so. You could combine the lock and unlock tabs into one tab and half the button width. it would not only make the tool faster to use, but also save valuable screen space.

>I’d deffinitely not keep that ‘break connections’ button. Maybe a delete key button for that frame, but what if any of the transforms have a incoming node or expresson and you break that.

>You could even remove the buttons for key all translate/rotate scale because the hotkeys are already there(Shift+w, shift+r, shift + e). You could also shrink down the buttons for the individual channels because if I’m an animator, I don’t want a giant UI to interfere with my work when a smaller one can do just as fine.[/QUOTE]

About the recordings, I saw in another thread you’re using ScreenFlow which should record the whole the screen at native resolution. It also lets you do zoom ins pretty easily after you’re done recording.
More than that though, your exported resolution is just very low and compressed, which makes things like the text in your tool hard to read.

What would the checkbox for the animator do?

ok i try to find sme good setting for recorder and
i got idea about check box from one of the tool of rigging101
and i am using checkbox so there should be box for keying tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz and buttons for "key checked ", “key all”, “all tran”, “all rotat”, “all scale”
A basic concept image is attached have a look

[QUOTE=dgovil;13595]About the recordings, I saw in another thread you’re using ScreenFlow which should record the whole the screen at native resolution. It also lets you do zoom ins pretty easily after you’re done recording.
More than that though, your exported resolution is just very low and compressed, which makes things like the text in your tool hard to read.

What would the checkbox for the animator do?[/QUOTE]