I’m trying to connect to UE5 from Python using Remote Execution. I have it enabled in my UE5 Project Settings:
But it seems like I cannot detect any running instances of UE5 unless I manually toggle this option OFF and then ON again
So basically it goes like this: I turn my PC on in the morning and I launch UE5. Once it’s open, I run the following python code inside Maya 2022.5 or a pure Python (3.11) interpretor:
import remote_execution
remEx = remote_execution.RemoteExecution()
Then I execute:
# Result: [] #
And I always get back an empty list, no instances of UE5 found running. However, if I then toggle the Enable Remote Execution option OFF, and then back ON again in UE5 Project Settings, the same code immediately starts working fine:
# Result: [{'engine_root': 'E:/ue5/5.3/Engine/',
'engine_version': '5.3.2-0+UE5',
'machine': 'WPC8008135',
'node_id': 'BE379C85332ABAD6E099EB7ED5BB2C5B',
'project_name': 'MacGuffin',
'project_root': 'E:/macguffin/',
'user': 'Nathan'}] #
From that point onwards, if I close and re-open UE5, Maya, or Python any number of times in any order, the detection code above still works fine every time… until I shut down and reboot my PC, then I have to go through the option toggle off/on rigmarole again.
Does anyone know why this is happening or how I could fix it? toggling that option off/on every morning isn’t exactly back-breaking, but it’s pointlessly tedious, especially for the other artists who I just want to be able to use this tool without messing around with their project options every morning too.