[UDK] Problems with SceneCaptureCubeMapActor

I’m using connected SceneCaptureCubeMapActor to a vehicle to create realtime reflections on metallic parts of vehicle.

This worked like a charm when I was working on a scene few months ago, now it’s not working anymore.

CubemapActor and texture it’s linked too appear full green all the time.
Do you have any idea what could have caused this problem?

Note also if I place new actor in scene it behaves same way (full green). I’m using DX9.

Here is a image with cubemapactor selected:

Have you recently upgraded to a new version of UDK?

Check the logs for warnings. Make sure you have the capture actor properly set up
with reference to a proper render target.
If you move the capture actor in the editor it should update itself. If it doesn’t then
something is not right.

Are you sure no other capture actors try to use the render target? (Classic
copy-paste problem.)
Try to set capture rate to 0 for now for a single snapshot at the start of the map.
Is Scene LOD working now? (I haven’t seen it working like ever but I haven’t tested
the latest build.)

I tried changing position , using different texture, relinking and nothing worked.

Then I set the capture rate to 0 and it works, setting it back to 0.001 kept it working.

I don’t know what was wrong but now it’s reset and fully working. Thanks