Any tips on creating this sort of effect in Unreal? There seem to be three hues. The base diffuse (dark red brown) spec 1 (light red brown) and spec 2 (green), but I can’t quite make out when/why each colour is visible. I assume its some sort of spec channel faffing but i’m new to unreal so any suggestions would be great!
From where is that screenshot? If you had a movie of the way it reacts then it would be alot easier to tell what’s going on during camera orientation etc.
Since you say it’s some sort of specularity I’m assuming it changes depending on the orientation of the camera which means it uses the view direction vector during the math.
Though we’d need a movie as I said to pinpoint the exact behavior you want
The Fresnel node used as a mask to blend between two colors might be a good
start. You could also factor in the light vector: Use its Z (B) component with
some increased contrast (power(8) for example), which will give you a specular
highlight kind of white spot.