Please can someone help me out…i’m new to Maya and i’m having trouble viewing the Essential Skills Movies and opening the Tutorials from the Help menu.
This is the message i keep getting…
“Windows cannot find ‘ChromeHTML\shell\open\command’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.”
I’m not sure i have had any problems opening other HTML links. Can you tell me how i can find that out?
I finally got the ‘Essential skills Movies’ to work by changing the HTML link by going to…Internet Explorer\Tools\Internet Options\Programs\HTML editing and changed it to Notepad.
But i can’t get the ‘Beginner to Expert: More Maya Resources’ that is in the Essential Skills Movies window to work.
I tried to open the help choices I have in the ‘Help’ menu in MAYA and i keep getting this message “Windows cannot find ‘ChromeHTML\shell\open\command’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.” in a pop-up window.
At the same time I get this message in the Maya window at the bottom next to MEL… // Error: Unable to display ‘C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2011/docs/Maya2011/en_US/files/WN_Maya.htm’ in a browser.