Trouble with opening 'Help tutorials'

Hi everyone,

Please can someone help me out…i’m new to Maya and i’m having trouble viewing the Essential Skills Movies and opening the Tutorials from the Help menu.

This is the message i keep getting…

“Windows cannot find ‘ChromeHTML\shell\open\command’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.”

Hope someone can help me…

Thank you kindly


Can you open other HTML links correctly? Have you tried changing your default browser?

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your reply…

I’m not sure i have had any problems opening other HTML links. Can you tell me how i can find that out?

I finally got the ‘Essential skills Movies’ to work by changing the HTML link by going to…Internet Explorer\Tools\Internet Options\Programs\HTML editing and changed it to Notepad.

But i can’t get the ‘Beginner to Expert: More Maya Resources’ that is in the Essential Skills Movies window to work.

I tried to open the help choices I have in the ‘Help’ menu in MAYA and i keep getting this message “Windows cannot find ‘ChromeHTML\shell\open\command’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.” in a pop-up window.

At the same time I get this message in the Maya window at the bottom next to MEL… // Error: Unable to display ‘C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2011/docs/Maya2011/en_US/files/WN_Maya.htm’ in a browser.

Thank you kindly



 Did you check whether your "docs" folder exists at specified location (as stated in error message).