ToTex - Render To Texture Tool

“ToTex” is a render to texture script that gives you the ability to quickly bake multiple textures to a folder.
ToTex will start baking all the wanted maps with the chose selections and will save it to the specified folder.

you can download ToTex from this site:
Note: ToTex v3.0 coming out soon in Beta, so stay up to date!

ToTex is a great tool that can bake complex maps:

  • Light Trace Ambient Occlusion (with ground plane
  • Top Down Gradient
  • Element Map

ToTex gives great control when baking:

  • Projection
  • Previewing your results with Xoliul shader
  • Max Merging
  • Render Presets

I hope this tool will help you in your texturing process.

If you have any great ideas that I can embed in ToTex do let me know and I’m more than happy to work on it!

you can download ToTex from this site:

Note: ToTex v3.0 coming out soon in Beta, so stay up to date!

Video Tutorials
ToTex 2.0 Features
ToTex 1.0 Features and workflow

Sounds great!