Tools demo reel question

Being fiscally limited to areas accessible by local public transportation (one strike), and having graduated from The Art Institutes (two strikes), technically as an animator but having switched to exclusively doing character rigging at the last minute, I feel I need to make a more competitive demo reel than the one I graduated with to improve my chances at finding work. Being deficient of production pipeline environment experience, I’m not sure however what I should put in such a reel, in terms of scripted tools. I think I have some good ideas; should I just go and ask someone currently working in the field to get their opinion on how useful they would actually be?

post them here, plenty of professional’s here.

I also went to an art institute, Your demo reel should constantly be updating whenever you have the time especially when your currently looking for a job. What i did for my reel was show off my technical art then made a separate one showing everything else i did including lighting and texturing modeling and so fourth. I highly recommend talking to local studios and have them look at your reel and give you feed back. Use that feed back and improve your reel go back and show it again. Not only will you develop a connection with studios they will see your ability to learn and with that you will have an improved reel. Also remember to keep the art in the reel, technical demo reels are boring if its just code and showing the characters move. do something different.