I can offer my contribution as well, a project suitable for studios of size 5-15, called “Avalon”.
It started as 20-week paid-for project at Mindbender in Sweden, whereby I completed weekly documentation of the progress from start to 1.0, including research into various technologies and alternative projects (including yours, @kiryha!).
Since then, it has progressed in the open and been adopted by Colorbleed in Netherlands who is of similar size and target audience, and possibly others (if that’s you, let me know!).
In short, it’s an asset management and version control system for artists working with full-cg commercials and tv, with an open API for integration with DCCs (e.g. Maya, Nuke and Fusion are in use at the moment), utilising Pyblish for a publishing system, featuring graphical tools for authoring and sharing assets globally (Mindbender operates in a few locations worldwide) with a MongoDB backend for assets and hooks for external production management systems, primarily ftrack.