Thigh twist problems


I was working a digital tutor tutorial “Pushing Your character rigs beyond the basics in Maya” and I ran into a problem. Following along I created a lower leg twist and everything is fine, when moving up to the thigh bone and trying to create “inbetween” joints they do not follow along with the original bone (picture attached). There is also a script which we have been using along with the video and although im not sure I don’t believe it to be the problem. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to fix this issue?

Did you scale your joints down in the X axis? I didn’t look at the script but I imagine the joints are being positioned in local space using the setAttr command which might cause the problem you’re seeing. If you want your chain to be nicely aligned then you should only use rotation and translate in a single axis (usually X), I’d suggest not using the Select and Translate tool in Maya and instead directly editing the translate value in the Channel Box or Attribute Editor.