The root bone (Motion Builder)

Hey everyone,

I am using motion builder to retarget the animation on a preexisting skeleton. My skeleton has a root bone (the top bone in the heirarchy), and a hips bone (underneath the root in the hierarchy but above the leg joints). Both the hip and root joints are in the general pelvic area.

Motion Builder doesn’t seem to have a “root” bone in it’s mapping list. It has a “Hips”, but no “Root”.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Is there a way to add a root into the motion builder skeleton?

All help is super welcome. Thanks!

Isn’t there a character root? Or is that the scene root? There is something in the hierarchy view, I can’t remember if it is the scene root which is the root of all characters, or if there is a per-character root?

There’s a node called “reference” that each character goes into. I wasn’t sure if that could be used as the root or not. I wasn’t sure if the “reference” node had to be located at the origin or not. If that is the case, I don’t think that I can use it because my root joint is in the pelvic area.

I’m also not sure if the reference node is allowed to be a joint or not. I will give it a shot. Thanks Rob!

I am no mobu pro (or even an amatuer amateur, I just know some of the API). Brad Clark would definitely have a better answer, I’m likely very very wrong.

Oh Rob. I tried out your suggestion and everyone here at the studio is now dead!

Retribution. Thy name is motion builder!

Hi Brian,
If my experience serves me right then the reference in a characterization is always at the origin and can be a bone aswell as a mesh(not 100% on that).

What i assume your are looking for can be found under “special” in the “character defintion”, “HipsTranslation”. this means that if you put your root here, all translation is solved to the root while rotationen is solved to the Joint placed in “Hips” under “Base(required)”

I hope this is what you were looking for

Ah. I bet that will do the trick. Thanks Erik!