The main banner link

Can the main header link back to rather than Tech-Artists.Org?

I like getting back to the front page to see the post updates easily.

Sounds like a good idea.


Good one. It would be great if the TAO logo in the upper-left corner of the Wiki did the same. I could also use a link to the forums in the Wiki left pane, if possible.

[QUOTE=Eric Chadwick;362]Good one. It would be great if the TAO logo in the upper-left corner of the Wiki did the same. I could also use a link to the forums in the Wiki left pane, if possible.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. Just noticed that wiki link as well.

Alright, changed the sidebar up. Bjorn will have to change the logo link, don’t know where it is.

Fixed the wiki logo target.

Nice job, thanks Aryeh!

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