I’m curious how Maya freezes locator transformations. I’ve searched and found a couple of explanations of this but I’m not sure I get it completely.
What I understood is, when you freeze transformations, with meshes Maya moves the transform node to the origin and counter-moves the components so they appear in the same place.
Since locators don’t have components this method doesn’t work.
Now, when I freeze a locator which was moved , it will zero out the translation values and transfer the values to the localPosition values. Alright, I can make my peace with this. (if there are no components what is it that gets translated?)
But there are also localScale attributes. Why aren’t scale values get transferred over to localScale values when they are freezed? This is very interesting to me.
Also, why there are no localRotate attributes?
Thanks for your time. I don’t mind a technical explanation. I hope someone can shed some light on this.