Another temp head just opened. This is a good opportunity for a recent grad > boston > Temp Tech Artist
Another temp head just opened. This is a good opportunity for a recent grad > boston > Temp Tech Artist
Hello Chad I am seeing if you think applying to a temp job is the best way to go for some one who just graduated and wanted a job right out of school. Do you know about how long normal temp jobs are and is the pay good. I have one more semester left at Digital Media Art College in FL and want to work in the New England area.
For this particular job, yes it is good for recent grads. This job is meant for someone we can train quickly and have them do the “little things” so the Full Time staff can handle the “big things”. I can’t speak to every temp job out there, as each situation is likely different at each company and the responsibilities vary.
Temp jobs at WB/Turbine last for a max of 1 year. The pay is inline with experience, it’s entry level work, so the pay reflects that. In other words, it’s not the best paying job in the industry.
These kinds of jobs are good ways of building experience and for the temp employee to see if the company is a good fit for them, and vice versa. Conversion to Full Time is possible but absolutely not guaranteed.
Best of luck to you in your last semester!