If you were at GDC last year and/or this year, you’re entitled to a free shirt. Please PM me if you’d like to redeem. I can’t guarantee I’ll order it right away but it shouldn’t take too long (I’ll probably wait a week or two and order them in a batch). Also, if you were one of the contest winners, you are owed a shirt as well. You may notice some slight changes from your original designs, since I had to recreate them.
The store offers American Apparel (AA) shirts, and Standardweight shirts. The AA are what I vastly prefer, but the Standardweights are of good quality too, and much cheaper. No grey, though.
If you have a logo or design you want to submit, or you’d like to offer an improvement/color choice/new type of item, please post it! Also, if there are any quality problems, please PM or respond here. I did my best to QA things.
I should also be setting up a PayPal soon to accept donations, for all those people who have asked.
Again, thanks for the shirt store! Is it possible to make a t-shirt with the the teapot design on the chest and then Kameleon’s “I Do Stuff…” on the back?
i just love how that stick figure seems to be answering someone saying “Do you do anything all days?”… “I Do Stuff…”
I see that the store allows you to pick colors of any shirt, but I thought we were limited to the black/grey/brown… so can we actually pick colors? or is that just the default options that the store adds to clothing items (and picking color actually doesn’t work)?
If anyone who has a free one coming (JayG and LoneRobot, and whoever wants to claim one from GDC) wants to order one, I can paypal you the refund- it would save me a ton of work, having to collect and enter shipping addresses, etc. (You can hound me on IRC if I procrastinate, I promise I won’t).
I have three pretty awesome new designs that lend well to more colorful shirts, also. They involve some smallish text, so it may take some iteration, but I’ll release them as soon as possible. Also, if anyone wants the designs on another item (female or dog shirts, etc.), tell me and I can create an item with them.
I see that the store allows you to pick colors of any shirt, but I thought we were limited to the black/grey/brown… so can we actually pick colors? or is that just the default options that the store adds to clothing items (and picking color actually doesn’t work)?
It shouldn’t be an option, what items are/were you seeing this on?
If you’d like to claim your free tshirt, please send a PayPal invoice to rgalanakis@optonline.net. To do this, log into PayPal and go to ‘Request Money’, and request in the amount of the shirt purchase. I’ve evaulated the options and with the limited time and skills available, this is the best way to manage everyone’s requests. I originally wanted to set up gift certificates some how, but it would have been too confusing to manage.
If you cannot for some reason set up a PayPal account, tell me and we can figure something out, but this would be the most painless way to do it (and remember who is paying for these shirts so save me some pain, eh?).