Here is me, trying to contribute a bit of basic shading “research” I did to the awesome Tech Artist ORG Community (is not a cry for help this time :P).
It is free for anyone to read/use/comment on
I hope you find it useful; I appreciate any form of feedback, be it friendly or caustic
If what I am presenting has been already been deduced by someone else using this method, please me know asap so I don’t make a total fool of myself by thinking that I have something worth showing around
If the other hand if you do find it interesting/new end up using it, or improving on it, if at all possible please mention me or at least shoot an e-mail my way :P.
Edit: Hmm…found a slip-up … I have overlooked a division by 2 when bringing the result from 2d space to 3d space (did not consistently apply the formula that links a 2d angle to its solid angle counterpart).
Corrected the formulas, updated the LUT’s too, less artist-requested tweaks were needed in this scenario.
Best regards,