TDC Announces Competition for Prospective TDs

BURBANK, CALIFORNIA – (May 20th 2009): TD-College, the first and only school that truly prepares the students for the realm of CG-production, by personally pairing them up with technical directors currently working in the animation and visual effects film industry, is proud to announce an exciting learning opportunity to the CGI community.

At TDC we have always believed that life is about learning. That the pursuit of personal improvement must be constant and that such learning should come from your own experiences and from helpful people along the way. We also believe and understand that talented individuals can sprout from all walks of life and that the opportunity of learning should be offered to deserving individuals. It is based on these beliefs this that TD-College is ready to give back to the CGI community, a community that has given us so much over the years, by giving a deserving aspiring TD the opportunity to learn from the best TDs in the industry.

TD-College will start a 2 week competition through which it will select two (2) deserving students to receive the following prizes.

  • First place winner will receive free tuition to attend one full course offered by TD-College. The course can be any of the courses offered the next 90 days after the announcement of the results.

  • Second place, or runner up will receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for one course offered by TDC. The course can be any of the courses offered within the next 90 days after the announcement of the results.

Note* The two selected participants will still be responsible for the 50 USD non-refundable application fee to be admitted into TDC

Here are the rules for the competition:

  • The competition will begin on Friday May 22nd, 2009 and will end on June 5th, 2009. Submissions will only be accepted during these dates.

  • Participants must submit an essay titled “Why I want to be a TD” which must explain why you would like to live the life of a TD in the CGI industry. The essay will must be less than 120 words and must also give us some information on your background and why you would deserve to win a free TDC course. The essay must be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and it must be included in the body of the email (no attachments please).

  • Participants must include either a link to a video, a piece of code or an archive to a Maya or Houdini scene where they demonstrate the most technically advanced work they have created.

  • Only one entry per participant will be accepted.

  • The four founders of TDC will vote on the submitted essays. The winners will be announced no later than June 19th 2009.

  • Winners will have up to 90 days to claim their prize.

TD-Collegewishes all the participants best of luck.

About TD-College

TD College was founded by 4 experienced professional Technical Directors. Rudy Cortes, Sr. Technical Director at Uncharted Territory in Culver City, CA. Kevin Mannens, an effects TD at Sony Pictures Imageworks. Arthur Shek, Sr. Software Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios and Erick Miller, renowned Maya character TD and Technology Manager at Walt Disney Animation Studios . TD-College’s goal is to provide the best training for technical directors to a world wide market by providing an exclusive one on one mentor system as well as a collaborative community where TD’ism can flourish.

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