To help members with needs such as this or this, I’ve set up an IRC channel. Instructions for use:
[li]Download an IRC client, such as [B]mIRC[/B], or if you are using FireFox, [B]ChatZilla[/B]. I’d highly recommend ChatZilla if you are an IRC n00b or don’t want to set up another program.
[/li][li]Connect to server, by typing “/connect” in mIRC, or “/attach” in ChatZilla.
[/li][li]Join our channel by typing “/join #techart”.
[/li][li]That’s it! You’re now in. Feel free to idle all day and wait around for people.
[/li][li]To change your nickname, type “/nick <nickname>”. To register it, type “/msg nickserv register <password> <email>”, then follow the confirmation instructions you receive by e-mail. The e-mail address must be valid.
As much as I like the permanance and archivability of forums and wiki info, some things are best left to chat. I will be idling there during the day and will try to get some others as well. It’d be nice if we could have some language/program experts in there to be on call for questions.
Sorry to bring up an old post, but is it just me or is the freenode server down?
The applet I use to connect to it is not letting me see the disconnection messages, it just terminates on me.
On that note, I would ask if anyone knows a good web-irc thingo, as I’m too lazy to install any IRC applications.