Still looking for a way to break the connection on an input

Hey all.

I have not found a solution to how to deal with this scenario:

attach locator(s) to moPath

theMoPath = mc.pathAnimation(theLoc,usrSel)

The idea is, eventually hook up control and offset joints to the curve.

However, first I create the motion path attaching the locator to the curve. The important part, that I can’t seem to figure out is to break the connection
of the u.Value in the channel box of the input for the locator. delete, deleteAttr, disconnectAttr, don’t seem to work, or at least I can’t figure out the proper way to do it.

The whole code, so far. (I want to compress is more and clean it up, just trying to get it all down)

import maya.cmds as mc
# Declare variables
mainName = None
jntName = None
cvWin = None
cvAmt = None

# Get curve selected
def makeSelection():
	mySel =
	#return name of selected objects
	return mySel
usrSel = makeSelection()

# Create Window for UI(eventually a function)
if mc.window("cvWin", ex=True):
	mc.deleteUI("cvWin", window=True)
mc.window("cvWin",t="Facial Curve",w=100, s=False)
mc.columnLayout("c_layout", adj =True)
mc.text("Define Main Name")

fieldLocPrfx = mc.textFieldGrp(l="Name of prefix:")
fieldMainName = mc.textFieldGrp(l="Name of object:")
fieldCvAmt = mc.textFieldGrp(l="Number of points:")

mc.text("Please select your curve.")
mc.button("Create", bgc=[0,0,1], c="moPathGen()")

usrSel = makeSelection()

# Define moPathGen
def moPathGen():
	# Query user field entries
	usrPrefix = mc.textFieldGrp(fieldLocPrfx,q=True,text=True)
	usrMainName = mc.textFieldGrp(fieldMainName,q=True,text=True)
	usrPoints = mc.textFieldGrp(fieldCvAmt,q=True,text=True)
	# for loop to create locator(s)
	for i in range(0,int(usrPoints)):
		# create locator(s)
		theLoc = mc.spaceLocator(n = '{}_{}{}_loc'.format(usrPrefix, usrMainName, i))
	# for loop to attach locator(s) to motion path
	for loc in range(0,int(usrPoints)):
		# attach locator(s) to moPath
		theMoPath = mc.pathAnimation(theLoc,usrSel)
		# get uValue attr based on usrInput
		uVal = mc.getAttr(theMoPath+".uValue")
		#mc.delete (uVal)
		print uVal

Any help would be appreciated.
