Does anyone have a winning formula for getting PyMel introspection to work in PyCharm?
I’ve tried adding any combination/order of “…/devkit/other/pymel/extras/completion/pi” and “…/python/lib/site-packages” to Interpeter Paths, but either A or B breaks
import pymel.core as pm
A. jnt = pm.joint() # joint is known or unknown
B. assert isinstance(jnt, pm.nt.Joint) # name is a attribute of jnt or not
Great things now work! Sorry for not finding that information myself, at least I tried…
The trick was increasing the completion file size as detailed in that post. It also seems we can do better than removing Mayas site packages folder, by taking advantage of the order of the interpreter paths. This is similar to what’s done for Eclipse setup: Setting Up PyMEL Autocompletion in Eclipse — PyMEL 1.0.9 documentation
First remove the Maya site-packages, then add the pymel completion files, then undo the removal of the Maya site-packages.
i find with PyMel and some OpenMaya stuff you run into the intellisense filesize limits in PyCharm.
if you go into the folder that contains the PyCharm Binary you will find the file in this just set the line
to something much larger than its default of 2500 kb