Ive scoured (i think) the web for a solid chamfer tool in maya. I know its not built in, so I’m trying to find the best way to repo the functionality from max. Back in the day byrons poly tools did it, but i haven’t seen the sources around to copy it or build it against 2013.
I was able to reproduce those results on a cube using Maya’s Bevel by cranking up the Roundness to 10 and using 2 segments.
I’ll try it on some more organic shapes and see if it holds up.
Edit: actually a roundness of 10 is still just a little bit off from the vertices original position, I cranked it up to 100. May not be possible to retain the absolute original position of the edge. It’s close, but not perfect.
I tried the bevel roundness, but as you said, it’s not doing exactly as needed. So on to the next question, how do you insert and edge with the api? I have tried doing MFnMesh.subdivideEdges and it kinda works, but if i try to move a vert the mesh gets all crazy, so I’m not doing something right with it. Is there a tutorial about such things out there?