Smooth Mesh preview

So here is the problem : I want to link smooth mesh previews of two objects so
that when I hit ‘3’ both become smooth without selecting the two , but one (that would be the one that drives the smooth preview)

Now the real thing is I have no Idea how to do it , I though first I could do some attributes connection and shit , but no, because the

Smooth Mesh Attribute doesn’t exist on the mesh node, you have Smooth Level attribute tho , but that’s 1% of the problem.


from the maya script :

// Result: Mel procedure found in: PATH/autodesk/maya20XX/scripts/AETemplates/AEmeshTemplate.mel //

I found that displaySmoothMesh is the name of the Attr. But anyway you can’t connectAttr something on it.

You may have to create a scriptjob for this or bind the ‘3’ button with a custom script that check dependencies object (like a custom attr)

smpMode = cmds.getAttr(‘pCubeShape1’ + “.displaySmoothMesh”)
smpMode = cmds.setAttr(‘pCubeShape1’ + “.displaySmoothMesh”, 2)

@“AbsurdityDW” , Yep I though about scriptJob, but I didn’t want to go there… Guess I’ll have to